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HUDL For Clubs

Last week VLY and HUDL partnered to bring an online information session to clubs. 

Hudl is an online performance analysis software tool that helps Coaches and players analyse technical and tactical elements of the game. It provides statistical data and visual examples that complement other feedback that players receive.

As highlighted during the session VLY are willing to contribute 50% of the costs to all clubs for 2022.

Hudl provides numerous benefits including:

  • Targeted assessments
  • Targeted feedback
  • Adds a learning process to training and games
  • Creates awareness for better decision making on the field of play
  • Highly utilised coaching tool worldwide
  • Hudl is customisable to teams allowing you to create team and individual players clips
  • Improves communication within the club
  • Creates highlights reels that can help promote your club on social media

Another key benefit of Hudl is the HUDL League Exchange. With League Exchange all teams can record and upload matches for video analysis and scouting purposes.


League Exchange:

  • Allows for the easy share of footage
  • Stores all footage and enables all teams access
  • Enables coaches and players to conduct performance and opposition analysis
  • Improves officiating, facilitates reviews and observations of officials
  • You can watch, save and download footage within the Hudl League Exchange
  • Provides centralised access so you can effectively monitor every player across the league
  • When uploading and adding to the Hudl League Exchange, all it takes is one additional click on Hudl

Evidence from other sports and leagues suggests that that integrating Video analysis into your coaching process drives up playing standards.

We ask that your club takes time to think through all the benefits this software can bring to your teams and the league. We will be in touch in early January to confirm with those interested in bringing the technology into their sessions and matches for 2022.

A recording of the information session has been sent to all club secretaries for further review. For all queries contact Conor

