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Volleyball Ireland set the date for VLY. LIVE

Volleyball Ireland are delighted to announce VLY. Live 2022. 

The first of its kind Volleyball Conference will be held at the University of Limerick Sport Arena on the weekend of October 1st & 2nd. 

The highly anticipated event will include coach & referee education workshops, club development seminars, MiniVolley tournaments and skill challenges for kids. As well as the return of the Annual All Star Game that pits the best National League players against Ireland’s National Team.

The programme is designed for everyone involved in Volleyball from newcomer to beginner to high performer, from teacher to parent.

Conor Flood, Development Manager for Volleyball Ireland announced, “The team are excited to bring this new concept to life for our existing but also future members.  It will be a jam packed weekend and a brilliant opportunity to share, learn and inspire as our tag line says. I’m confident of a successful event that the volleyball community can get great value from.”

VLY Live will bring together domestic and international key note speakers to kick start the new Volleyball season in style.

Stay tuned each week as more information on the weekend’s itinerary will be distributed through social media and MonsterBlock newsletter.


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