Mental health supports and services
There are different types of support available for people with mental health difficulties. Many of the supports listed here are provided by agencies with the support of the HSE. You can access most of the services without a referral.
For more information you can:
- talk to a GP
- call the HSE YourMentalHealth Information Line on freephone 1800 111 888, any time day or night
They can help you find supports and services for your needs.
General mental health supports and services
Services and supports for young people
Mental health advice and support – online and in person – for young people aged 12 to 25 years old, and for parents or concerned adults.
Visit to chat online with a clinician
Find Jigsaw services in your area
Ireland’s 24-hour listening service for young people up to the age of 18. Childline is a service from the ISPCC.
Freephone 1800 666 666, any time
Text 50101 any time
Chat online at any time.
BeLonG To Youth Services
Support, information and groups for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland, their parents and carers, and other professionals.
spunout is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people. Articles and information for young people on many topics, including mental health.
Free-text SPUNOUT to 50808 to chat with a trained volunteer, any time.
Services for children, families and communities, to transform the lives of vulnerable children affected by adverse childhood experiences. Barnardos also provide a Children’s Bereavement Service.
Freephone 1800 910 123, Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm
Therapy for children and young people who have been affected by child sexual abuse. CARI also provide information, support and counselling to non-abusing parents, carers and siblings.
Phone 0818 924567, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
Services and supports for older people
National support and referral line for older people.
Phone 0818 222 024, 8am to 8pm every day
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland
Emotional support and information on supports and services.
Freephone 1800 341 341, Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm, and Saturday 10am to 4pm.
The Dementia Resource Hub lists information and online resources for people with dementia, families and carers.
Visit or
Confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers.
Phone 1800 804 591, 10am to 10pm every day.
Age Friendly Ireland
Programmes and networks to support older people.
Bereavement and grief
Online videos and courses
Minding Your Wellbeing
Free series of video resources to learn and practice key elements of mental wellbeing such as mindfulness, gratitude, self-care and resilience from HSE Health and Wellbeing.
Learn about the Minding your Wellbeing Programme
Minding Your Mental Health
Multilingual video messages presented by doctors and other health professionals living and working in Ireland. The videos are available in Romanian, Polish, Arabic, English, French, Lithuanian, Russian, Irish and Portuguese.
Stress Control
Stress Control classes to learn stress management skills and tips for minding your mental health, from the HSE. The programmes are for 3 weeks on Mondays and Thursdays and recommences at varying intervals.
Suicide or Survive
Free workshops and programmes on mental health, wellness and recovery.
These mobile apps can help you manage anxiety. They have been approved for listing here by the HSE Mental Health Group.
The app developers are solely responsible for their compliance and fitness for purpose. These apps are not supplied by the HSE and the HSE is not liable for their use.
Mindshift by Anxiety Canada
MindShift CBT uses strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to help users engage in healthy thinking and take action. Users check in each day to track their anxiety and work with tools in the app.
Get Mindshift from the App Store
Get Mindshift from Google Play
Headspace teaches meditation and mindfulness skills. Map your journey, track your progress and ‘buddy up’ with friends and motivate each other.
Get Headspace from the App Store
Get Headspace from Google Play
Clear Fear
From teenage mental health charity Stem4. The app uses CBT to help you learn to reduce the physical responses to threat. Strategies include learning to breathe, relax and be mindful, changing thoughts and behaviours, and releasing emotions. You can personalise the app and track your progress.
Get Clear Fear from the App Store
Get Clear Fear from Google Play
HSE Eating Disorder Self Help App
A self-care app for people:
- with an eating disorder
- caring for someone with an eating disorder
- worried about developing an eating disorder
- diagnosed or are recovering from an eating disorder
From the HSE National Clinical Programme for Eating Disorders and Bodywhys.