Volleyball Ireland (VLY) has carried out an independent evaluation of its board of directors performance. Delivered by industry expert Adrian McCarthy of PrinGovGreen and in line with the Sport Ireland Governance Code, the comprehensive and detailed review concluded that: “Volleyball Ireland (VLY) is a successful and effective Type-B national governing body (NGB) (as defined by Sport Ireland), overseen by accomplished Board members from diverse volleyball and non-volleyball backgrounds”.
The Volleyball Ireland Chairperson & President, Clodagh Nic Canna commented, “I’m delighted with the outcome of the Board Evaluation. It reflects the commitment of the Volleyball Ireland board directors and their considerable experience and expertise. It is a firm foundation for the board’s continuing oversight of the 2023-26 Strategy, supporting Gary (CEO) and his team. And – importantly – the Board recognises (as does the Evaluation) the work of Gary and his team in achieving this positive outcome that sets us fair for the future”.
The main conclusions of the Board’s consideration of the evaluation’s suggestions were:
- In-person meetings of the board will be used as an opportunity to connect the Volleyball Ireland Board of directors even more closely with the Volleyball Ireland Community of Clubs and Players, supplementing the work of the Volleyball Ireland Commissions (Competitions & Development Commission / Education & Training Commission / High Performance Commission)
- The Board will continue with its carefully planned journey to be more strategic, and less operational in support of Gary Stewart (CEO) and his team’s delivery of the 2023-26 Strategy.
- A Board Audit & Risk Committee will be developed even further to underpin the work of the Board and support the challenges of the growth planned in the 2023-26 Strategy (and beyond)
- The Board will explore further the practical implications and timing of becoming a Type-C Sport Ireland National Governing Body (NGB) as one of the ways to develop carefully and underpin its ambitious growth for the benefit of its Clubs and Players (both present and future).
The Board Evaluation can be found on the Volleyball Ireland website here PDF Volleyball Ireland – VLY – BOARD EVALUATION – 30 April 2024 FINAL.