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Coach Developer Course 2023

Coaching Ireland’s Coach Developer Training 2023-24 (CDC 40) is now open for applications.


Fully qualified coach developers are able to deliver and oversee coaching courses run annually by National Governing Bodies


Coach Developer training will involve attendance at all five contact weekends. There will also be NGB Coach Developer-related workshops, distance learning tasks, presentation tasks, observation tasks and delivery of coach education courses. On successful completion of the necessary assessments and graduation.


This course fee is provided by VLY however Coach Developers will be asked to commit to the delivery of coach education programmes within the NGB.


The 2023-24 dates are as follows:

Pre-course on line session:


Weekend 1: 

16/17 Sept ’23   

Weekend 2:

7/8 Oct ’23

Weekend 3:

11/12 Nov ’23

Weekend 4:

9/10 Dec ’23

Weekend 5:

6/7 Jan ’24

For more details and to apply contact Conor 


Final date for submission to volleyball Ireland is July 18th 


A final decision of successful applicants will be made by Coaching Ireland.

