We are honoured, excited and energised to present our new strategic plan, Feel the Buzz.
The four-year plan focuses on growing a sustainable Volleyball community, with a vision to be recognised as a leader in inclusion, and the fastest-growing Volleyball Federation in Europe.
Over the next four years we will;
– triple the number of players at all levels of our game
– double the number of active coaches & referees
– actively celebrate & promote our diversity
VLY_Strategy Feel the Buzz 2023-26
The highly detailed and comprehensive strategy includes 58 hard targets and well over 100 actions that will support, promote and grow the diverse Volleyball community in Ireland. As well as 10 key performance indicators that will measure Volleyball’s success including the tripling of participation. Amongst the ambitious key deliverables are:
- Host a major International Volleyball Event.
- Host a major International Beach Volleyball Event.
- Implement a new Coach Education framework and syllabus, aligning with
global best practice. - Develop at least 50 outdoor Volleyball Courts on beaches and in parks
across the community. - Implement a Referee centralisation system for the National League.
- All National League clubs have youth sections.
- Sign up to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework with a commitment
to reduce carbon emissions in half by 2030. - Relocate Volleyball Ireland HQ to the Sport Ireland Campus.
- Win a Small Countries Association Championship Gold Medal.
- Every affiliated Volleyball club has representation on a Volleyball Ireland
Board or Committee
Over the last four years the sport has grown significantly with a near doubling of players, teams and revenues. The number of children playing in clubs has quadrupled.
Volleyball Ireland President Clodagh NicCanna said, “We will keep the forward momentum of recent years, harness the energy for our sport and grasp the enthusiasm that exists in our community to bring Volleyball to a new level in Ireland. This plan is about growth, but it’s also about improving the experience of Volleyball for all our members. There does seem to be a genuine buzz about Volleyball and Volleyball Ireland at the moment and we think Feel the Buzz really encapsulates what we’re about…that feeling of excitement and anticipation you get when you walk into a hall or on to the sand.”
There is a keen focus on sustainability with Volleyball Ireland being set to become Ireland’s first NGB and Volleyball’s first Federation in the world to sign up to the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework. Volleyball Ireland CEO Gary Stewart said, “sustainability is a key driver for us, and we want to become a leader in this area showing the benefits of taking sustainability seriously, to enhance and improve our sport and the environment we play in. We are already working hard on our action plan in this area. Sustainability isn’t just about climate it’s about education, gender equality and diversity.”
Reinforcing the message about community, the plan is laid out in chapters that focus on the various constituents of Volleyball Ireland, such as Referees, National Team Athletes and Beach Tour Players. This is an intentional personal touch to better connect with our members with specific objectives for each.
Stewart added, “We exist for our community, our people. Ultimately, Volleyball Ireland is a collective of dedicated volunteers, players, referees, coaches and supporters, who are all connected by a shared love of the sport, so it makes sense we’d structure our plan like this.”
Working with the strategy is Volleyball Ireland’s novel manifesto also titled Feel the Buzz, which brings to life our core values and what we stand for in a way that everyone can connect with and celebrate.
Strategy in full > VLY_Strategy Feel the Buzz 2023-26
Feel the Buzz Video > https://youtu.be/uMdHNmtPz_s
A members Q&A on the strategic plan content will held on:
Weds April 5th, 8pm register here.
Tues April 11th, 8pm register here passcode 989847
It’s a buzz.
A different kinda buzz.
An exciting kinda buzz.
From the court on campus,
To a beach near you.
One net, one ball, game on.
All sorts, from all over.
A melting pot of good people,
And one shared language.
Serve, pass, set, spike.
Big characters.
Big moments.
Bigger smiles.
There’s nothing really like it.
Bold, competitive, fun.
And a welcome. For everyone.
Volleyball. Feel the buzz.